The inaugural Aldeburgh Art Fair
Ballroom Arts, 152A High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk IP15 5AQ
Visit between 10.30am to 5.30pm daily thereafter.
Hayletts Gallery has collaborated with other great galleries to create this inaugural niche event in the heart of East Anglia. A wonderful ecclectic mix of paintings, works on paper & sculpture including works by Great Bardfield, Benton End artists and many others.
Just some of the artists you can expect to see include:-Craigie Aitchison, Edward Bawden, Richard Bawden, Elizabeth Blackadder, Peter Blake, Simon Carter, James Doods, Mary Fedden, Terry Frost, Maggi Hambling, Stephen Henderson, Gertrude Hermes, David Hockney, John Hoyland, Anita Klein, Karolina Larusdottir, Henry Moore, John Northcote Nash, Ben Nicholson, Julian Opie, Victor Pasmore, Parbara Peirson John Piper, Bridget Riley, Glynn Thomas & Chris Wenlock
for futher information telephone:- 07947 012802 – Entry Free
If you would like to come along to the launch please get in contact with us directly
- Blousy Tulips by Barbara Peirson
- Kites at Aldeburgh by Richard Bawden